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·Asia Pacific Re
·Senior Presales
电 话: 400-691-3200
传 真: 0574 - 2795 2629
邮 件: marketing.cn@gigroup.com

    Gi Group, located in Milan, Italy (HQ), is one of the worlds leading companies providing services for the development of the labor market, operating in the fields of search & selection, training, evaluation assessment ,temporary staffing. In 2011, the number of workers hired through Gi Group reached 165.000 worldwide (55.000 FTE), supplied to over 15.000 companies. As an international group, our service covered in 20 countries such as China mainland, Hong Kong, Italy, UK, German, France, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Brazil, India, etc. 

    总部位于意大利米兰的杰艾集团(Gi Group)是全球领先的人力资源服务供应商,我们的人力资源服务项目涉及search & selection, training, evaluation assessment , temporary staffing. 截至2011年,Gi集团下的全球员工已经达到165.000人(其中55.000为派遣员工),服务客户超过15000家。作为跨国公司的Gi集团,分支机构遍及中国大陆,中国香港,意大利,英国、德国、法国、西班牙,波兰、捷克、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、巴西、印度等20个国家。

    Gi Group China based in Ningbo as its admin. center, with operating branches  in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other cities.


 Current industry base 我们目前服务于以下行业:

- Commerce(bank,insurance,bond,fund,trust,futures,riskinvestiment,private equity investment)


- Technology(computer hardware, software and  service, e-commerce, internet, telecommunication, electronics)


- Manufacturing(machine, equipment, heavy industry, automobile)


- Chemical industry(petrol, chemical, metallurgy, raw materials)


- Consumer goods(food, beverage, cosmetics, clothing, digital)


- Service(professional service, consulting, real-estate, retail)


- Life science(biology, pharmacy, medical instrument)


Our advantage - 我们的优势:

   We have the professional teams that averagely have more than 8 yearsexperience. Our consultants are not only the HR experts, but also have deep knowledge about the targeted industries. They can share the latest salary information with the company and can provide the valuable suggestions in how to attract and keep the talents. With the support of the professional headhunting software that shared by 20 countries, we can enjoy a powerful international backup stage.


    Behind YOUR JOB, OUR WORK is a set of precise, targeted and strict service procedures which lead us to understand the customers needs, select and interview the candidates, matching, follow-up service and all the links whole-heartedly.

   “YOUR JOB, OUR WORK”的背后是一套严谨的服务流程,指导着我们一丝不苟地完成从理解客户需求、搜寻并甄选候选者、安排和推动候选者与企业的匹配、到后续跟踪等每一个环节。

    We have the database that contains thousands and thousands of talents information in order to select the most suitable candidates for the customers on time.


 Contact us - 联系我们:

  •  HeadquartersAdministration) 中国行政总部

  Crown World Trade Plaza, Room 802, Tower A, No.11 Of Caihong South Rd., Ningbo


  Tel : 400-623-9969

  Fax : +86 574 27952629 

  •  Operation Center 执行中心

  Room3012,Nanzheng Tower, No580,West Nanjing Road, Jingan District, Shanghai


  Tel : +86 21 32033651-811

  Fax : +86 21 32033651-806

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